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1 Сезон - 50min
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В настоящее время Вы можете посмотреть "Mulheres que Mudam o Mundo: Women Who Change the World" на YouTube Premium.
Women are taking charge more than ever before. Whether demanding equal pay, assuming leadership positions in government, or making history in film (or even in space), women have blazed new trails across every type of industry over the last sixty years. From the White House and the silver screen to Olympic podiums and equality marches, these women changed the world-blazing the trail while battling adversity. Without each one of their contributions, our world wouldn't be what it is today. This episode features successful women such as Margaret Thatcher, Cleopatra, Elizabeth II, Joan of Arc, Mother Teresa, Diana, Princess of Wales, Coco Chanel, Marilyn Monroe, Maya Plisetskaya, and Indira Gandhi.