Старая гвардия. Огненный след


Оригинальное название: Old Fogies-3. Trace of Fire

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Captain Vera Ershova and her team get a new assignment. They will investigate the fire which had led to death of school watchman Simonov. On the first sight it seems to be an accident. But very soon Sapronov's trained eye sees inconsistencies. Bobrykin finds out that late Simonov used to work as a fire inspector. What a strange death for a person of this profession. The "Old fogies" conclude that it was a murder, and a very creative one. And the murderer is definitely not going to stop. It won't be easy to catch this criminal: he uses ingenious traps when haunting for his victims. And there is only one thing connecting these traps - the fire. The fight between Bobrykin and Sapronov for the heart of Lieutenant Colonel Romanova is getting to the next level. And Vera is falling in love with Igor whom she met during one of her previous investigations. There are some disturbing circumstances: Igor is married. So new Vera's crush could cause her a lot of problems.


IMDB 7.0





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