JustWatch streaming API
Widgets and data intelligence.
JustWatch offers the world’s largest and most accurate database of streaming providers with hundreds of services and over 50 countries. JustWatch also offers built in e-commerce and commission opportunities along with performance analytics and financial reporting.

- Easy to install widgets
- A unified “where to watch” API
- Multiple revenue and commission opportunities
- Data from dozens of content sources; all leading OTT and streaming providers
- Coverage in over 50 countries
- Universal search for your specific devices or services
- Europe and US based technical and content team for best in industry accuracy.
JustWatch Business Intelligence
and OTT insights
JustWatch.com operates the biggest streaming-search-engine world-wide that, together with our partner network, generates tens of millions of datapoints per month on OTT availaibilty and consumer intent, behavior and consumption.
- Custom data reports across all providers from over 50 countries
- Historical content availability and pricing data worldwide
- Content Library Analysis
We'd love to present our products to you in more detail, just fill out the form below or contact us under data-partner@justwatch.com and we will get back to you.
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