Perfect 36: When Women Won the Vote


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현재 Magellan TV 에서 "Perfect 36: When Women Won the Vote" 스트리밍 서비스 중입니다..


Of all of the battles waged on Nashville's doorstep, the final throes for the passage of the 19th Amendment were among the most heated, controversial, and colorful. In July of 1920, all eyes were on the Tennessee capital as Anti and Pro-suffragists each fought for their vision of a socially evolving United States. One more state needed to ratify the proposed amendment, and that duty rested solely on the shoulders of Tennessee. August 18, 1920, the House convened. The votes were coming in neck and neck. At the last, a 24-year-old freshman legislator by the name of Harry Burn swung his vote and changed history forever, making Tennessee the deciding 36th state to enable passage of the 19th Amendment. "Perfect 36: When Women Won the Vote" depicts a pivotal moment of national, Tennessee, and Nashville significance.


IMDB 5.8


다큐멘터리, 드라마, 역사

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