Miniatures: Many Berlin Artists in Hoisdorf


원제: Miniaturen – Viele Berliner Künstler in Hoisdorf

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Miniatures: Many Berlin Artists in Hoisdorf 보기 - 스트리밍, 구매, 대여

현재 MUBI, DocAlliance Films 에서 "Miniatures: Many Berlin Artists in Hoisdorf" 스트리밍 서비스 중입니다. 또한 DocAlliance Films 에서 대여가 가능하며 중이며 DocAlliance Films 에서 유료 다운로드하실 수 있습니다.


On a weekend in June 1983, in what was deemed a "country outing,“ an impressive number of artists from Berlin went to a small village in Schleswig-Holstein; their intention was to give the local residents a taste of Berlin’s avant-garde art. This event included presentations of dance, music, performance art, painting, land art and film. Back in Berlin the footage was manipulated in several ways to produce an “experimental examination.” —independent film and video database


IMDB 5.3


재생 시간


Production country

독일, 오스트리아


Peter Tscherkassky


Peter Tscherkassky