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현재 GuideDoc 에서 "California City" 스트리밍 서비스 중입니다..
84min - 영어
7.99 US$/월
재생 시간
음성 언어
자막 언어
카탈로니아어, 영어
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현재 GuideDoc 에서 "California City" 스트리밍 서비스 중입니다..
The films follows a man through the post apocalyptic environment of the housing crisis in the Mojave Desert. His job is to rid the pools of foreclosed homes of unwanted pests. On the road through this isolated region, he reflects on alternative ways of living and finds himself in his own solitude. CALIFORNIA CITY is a hybrid film which fluidly crosses the borders between fiction, documentary and essay. The form reflects the narrator's state of mind through feature film elements and an impressionistic use of images, photos and narration.