Anuvab Pal: Alive at 40 보기 - 스트리밍, 구매, 대여
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50min - 영어
7일간 무료
이후 6₩/월
재생 시간
음성 언어
자막 언어
영어, 스페인어, 불어, 포르투갈어, 독일어
오디오 기술
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현재 Amazon Prime Video 에서 "Anuvab Pal: Alive at 40" 스트리밍 서비스 중입니다..
What is it like to be ageing men in contemporary young India? On one side, Indian uncles shouting. On the other side, selfies and Snapchat. Anuvab Pal tells us how middle aged Indian men delude themselves into wanting to be younger, and the tragedies that await them. As seen through his life as India’s most senior stand up comedian (pun intended). Who said tragedy isn't comedy?