Around the Next Bend 보기 - 스트리밍, 구매, 대여
현재 Magellan TV 에서 "Around the Next Bend" 스트리밍 서비스 중입니다..
1시즌 - 26min
7일간 무료
이후 6₩/월
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현재 Magellan TV 에서 "Around the Next Bend" 스트리밍 서비스 중입니다..
Around the Next Bend is the story of two friends embarking on a remarkable personal journey far from home. Adrian Traquair and his good friend Dustin Corkery are two regular guys from the small city of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Driven by a sense of adventure and excitement they travel halfway around the world to embark on a life-changing journey. From the waterway of one of the world's largest and holiest rivers, they begin to discover the magnificent country of India, and the unique people that inhabit it. They will grow to gain a greater understanding of themselves, and the world they live in, as they slowly raft down the mystic Ganges River.