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JustWatch는 항상 최신 영화 및 TV 프로그램 정보를 수집하여 제공하기 위해 노력합니다. 아쉽게도 현재 Deadly Journeys of the Apostles의 영상을 찾을 수 없습니다. 가까운 시일 내에 다시 검색해보세요.
Deadly Journeys of the Apostles explores beyond the Bible, building new biographies of the Apostles from 2,000 years of history strewn across the globe, including the latest discoveries, controversies and insights. Can the Bible’s puzzling, often baffling and contradictory stories of the Apostles, riddled with high stakes mysteries, magic and malevolence ultimately be understood through modern investigation? Deadly Journeys of the Apostles explores the ultimate hero’s journeys. New support from historical records, archeology, Apocrypha (historic stories and writing outside the Biblical Canon) and modern investigation expands on the traditional biblical accounts of the Apostles. This series explores fresh evidence of the Apostles’ incredible travels.