The Polar Bear Princeの視聴場所:リリース日 (日本)
The Polar Bear Princeのリリース日はまだ発表されていません。リリース日と配信情報が分かり次第お知らせします。
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The Polar Bear Princeのリリース日はまだ発表されていません。リリース日と配信情報が分かり次第お知らせします。
The fearless, curious and adventurous girl, Liv dreams of leaving her home in the woods. When the polar bear Valemon offers her family a way out of poverty if she comes with him, she accepts. A compassionate friendship starts to form between the two, a friendship that could well turn into something deeper. For Valemon is not only a bear, but a prince who was once cursed by a witch. Fearless as she is, and with her charming animal friends by her side, Liv sets out on a journey to confront the dangerous witch and save Prince Valemon.