The Investigator



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The Investigator - オンライン視聴 動画配信 購入 レンタル

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Vladimír Dzuro is the first Czech investigator to have worked for the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. He collected evidence against war criminals and hunted perpetrators of ethnic cleansing. The two biggest cases include the Ovcara massacre related to Vukovar's mayor Slavko Dokmanovic, and the ethnic cleansing committed by the warlord Zeljko Raznatovic Arkan. We join Vladimír Dzuro on his metaphorical and real journey across the places of investigation in the former Yugoslavia and meet some survivors of these cases. What is the landscape of the Balkans, which saw a fratricidal conflict twenty-five years ago, like today? What happened to the people who still live there and to their memory? What is the significance and meaning of justice brought from the outside? The film is inspired by Vladimir Dzuro's bestselling book The Investigator - Demons of the Balkan War (Grada, 2017, and Potomac Books, 2019).


IMDB 6.9




1h 14min

Production country

クロアチア, チェコ共和国
