The Beijing Ants



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The Beijing Ants - オンライン視聴 動画配信 購入 レンタル

現在の「The Beijing Ants」の視聴情報: "The Beijing Ants" は DocAlliance Films で配信中です。 DocAlliance Films で配信版のレンタルができます。配信版を購入してダウンロードする場合は DocAlliance Films です.


In 2013, Beijing became the city with the most expensive rents in the world. The rising prices also affected the film's director, Ryuji Otsuka, his wife and their small child. With the help of a handheld video camera and casual and hidden cameras, he has created a personal diary that begins at the moment when he must search for a new flat after his rent was suddenly and significantly raised. From this has emerged an immediate, spontaneous testimony about everyday situations that can change easily into acute conflicts - not only due to financial pressure, but also because of the ruthless approach of landlords and indifferent police.




1h 28min

Production country

