Where to watch Simona Kossak: Release date (日本)
The release date for Simona Kossak has not been announced yet. We'll keep you updated with the release date and streaming information as soon as it is available.
Simona Kossakはまだ配信されていません。
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The release date for Simona Kossak has not been announced yet. We'll keep you updated with the release date and streaming information as soon as it is available.
Simona Kossak - daughter of the painter Jerzy Kossak and granddaughter of Wojciech - deprived of the talent that has defined her family for generations, grows up without knowing the warmth of her despotic mother. When, after graduation, she leaves everything - home, tradition, social conventions - and takes up a job as a scientist in Białowieża, she starts life on her own terms.