Find out everything you need to know about where to live stream Bungesliga matches with JustWatch. This includes where to watch every Bundesliga match live today, which matches are playing on TV, and where you can live stream upcoming Bungesliga matches. Bundesliga – which is also known as The Bundesliga or the Fußball-Bundesliga – is the highest division of the German soccer league system. As Germany's primary soccer competition, the league features eighteen teams each playing thirty-four matches every year. The Bungesliga also showcases several globally recognized football clubs with an international following, including Bayern Munich, Borussia Dortmund, Bayer Leverkusen, Eintracht Frankfurt and RB Leipzig. At the end of each season, the winners are awarded the Bundesliga Meisterschale – one of the most prestigious trophies in European football. Finishing in a high position can also secure a club's entry to European cup competitions the following season. You can use JustWatch to find out where to watch every Bundesliga match – including games playing live today, kick-off times and whether the game is available on TV. You can also find out whether each game is available to watch online for free. From live streaming to watching on TV, never miss a Bundesliga match with JustWatch.
Bundesliga: Live Stream & on TV
Bundesliga Matches today
Your 7 day guide: Where can I watch Bundesliga live?
In the next 7 days, there are 9 Bundesliga fixtures available to watch live on streaming services and TV. Viewers in India can watch them on Sony Liv (9).