The Paraseekers - δείτε το online: streaming, αγορά ή ενοικίαση
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1 Σεζόν - 85min
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Προς το παρόν μπορείτε να παρακολουθήσετε τον τίτλο "The Paraseekers" με streaming στο Plex δωρεάν.
Corrados farm is host to an annual haunted hay ride. The farm's original house was built in 1732. It has stood through the Revolutionary war, through the centuries and remains standing today. It has a rich history with tunnels underground, thought to be part of the underground railroad. Come join the team as they investigate the stories of hauntings passed down through the years. Follow the crew as they catch apparitions, orbs and so much more in the most haunted place in New Jersey and possibly the country.