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Προσπαθούμε να προσθέτουμε συνεχώς νέους παρόχους αλλά δεν μπορέσαμε να βρούμε μια προσφορά για τον τίτλο "Kyousougiga - Σεζόν 1" online. Ελέγξτε το ξανά σύντομα για να δείτε αν υπάρχει κάποια καινούργια εξέλιξη.
Chapter 4: In the past, Koto lived with Inari, who worked for the Chief Priest of the shrine and was also her teacher. Chapter 5: She realized that Inari may be her real dad, and that the black rabbit in the picture may really be her mother, but kept it a secret. Chapter 6: In the present Looking Glass City, the Council of Three thinks that Koto's red eyes may be a sign of their mother's return.