Showdown on the Brazos μέσω streaming: πού μπορείτε να το δείτε online
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The year was 1887, in a little-known town in Texas situated on the banks of the Brazos River. Brazos was once a quiet and peaceful place to live and raise a family; but that was before the Nate Jones Gang rode in. As soon as they arrived, they took over. And the once peaceful town became so corrupt that travelers took longer routes to destinations in order to avoid traversing the streets of Brazos. It was reputed that the population of Brazos, Texas consisted of more murderers and thieves than the ticks on a hound, and these outlaws far outnumbered the few honest and good who remained. Many secret messages were sent to the Governor begging for help, and he finally responded by sending the Pinkerton Agency to clean up the town and arrest the outlaws. Unfortunately, those agents ominously vanished, and no one ever heard from them again. At last, two retired but infamous Texas Rangers were recruited, one who harbored exceptional contempt for the Jones Gang, and for good reason. Needless to say, when the Rangers and the Jones Gang collided, the streets of Brazos were stained with blood, and the event was thereafter known as The Showdown on the Brazos.