Payday μέσω streaming: πού μπορείτε να το δείτε online
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Προς το παρόν μπορείτε να παρακολουθήσετε τον τίτλο "Payday" με streaming στο Plex δωρεάν.
Romie, an aspiring mechanic and ladies man, with his brutally honest best friend Pack, invest their entire salaries in a down-payment on a garage. Their goal: to establish a successful mechanic's shop to get away from their boring jobs as security guards, their loving yet eccentric and demanding families, and poor standard of living in their village - Pickletons. Their simple task of making the down-payment to the garage owner at the village lime that night is hilariously complicated by Romie's love-life, and Pack's love for cannabis. The complications and laughs multiply as the best friends go to extremes to avoid violent drug men, a charity collector, crazy ex-girlfriends and other wacky villagers.