Made in Cleveland μέσω streaming: πού μπορείτε να το δείτε online
Προς το παρόν μπορείτε να παρακολουθήσετε τον τίτλο "Made in Cleveland" με streaming στο Plex δωρεάν.
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Προς το παρόν μπορείτε να παρακολουθήσετε τον τίτλο "Made in Cleveland" με streaming στο Plex δωρεάν.
Tale of life, love and the pursuit of happiness... in Cleveland. Nine vignettes about love: an old war hero defends the honor and memory of a long-lost love; a man's past comes to light in the midst of a perfect date; a recently separated paramedic gets more than he bargains for when he is thrust in the middle of a domestic dispute; a desperate man employs his friends in an elaborate scheme to meet the girl of his dreams, a recovering sex addict returns home to start a new life. There are thousands of stories of love, lust, loss and despair all over Cleveland-these are just a few of them.