Saison 17

Red vs. Blue - Saison 17


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It took two seasons for the Reds and Blues to break the universe, but they’re about to discover that things can always get worse. The flow of time is in disarray now that Chrovos has been freed from their old prison, and the Reds and Blues are unwittingly trapped, reliving their past memories. Fortunately, there’s still one person in the universe who can do something about it: Donut. Thanks to his quick thinking, Donut manages to trap Chrovos in a temporary cell, but it won’t hold for long. Chrovos’ lackey, Genkins, travels through time with the Reds and Blues and changes the events of their history, creating cracks in an increasingly fragile timeline. If Donut can’t find a way to snap his friends out of it, Chrovos will truly be free and life as we know it will be rewritten.

12 épisodes


IMDB 8.4 (9k)


Animation, Science-Fiction, Action & Aventure, Comédie, Fantastique, Film de guerre



Pays de production

Etats Unis


Matt Hullum
Jason Saldaña
Pvt. Lavernius Tucker
Gustavo Sorola
Pvt. Dick Simmons
Burnie Burns
Pvt. Leonard Church / Lopez the Heavy / Epsilon
Joel Heyman
Pvt. Micheal J. Caboose
Geoff Ramsey
Pvt. Dexter Grif
Dan Godwin
Pvt. Franklin Delano Donut