The Fever


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Isolda is a young woman immersed in a worn relationship with Aura, who is joined by necessity and custom, since they have been together since they were little. Isolde suffers from strange fevers and learns to be the center of everyone's attention. Aura, meanwhile, learns to care for her with her grandmother's home remedies. Over time, fever mutates and remedies are no longer enough. But by chance they discover a new way to calm her down, establishing a healing mechanism between them; Isolda has a crisis and Aura calms her down in a sort of sex ritual and ice baths in the tub. To the point that the limit between having sex to heal or get sick to have sex is lost. The episodes arise from some disgust or sadness; mechanisms that Aura has always managed to handle in a timely manner, thus having control of Isolda's love and desire. Starting a new stage, they move to live together establishing themselves as a couple, but Tomás comes to Isolda's life with new experiences. And after brief encounters, he ends up being the key element to disrupt the world of Isolde, allowing him to understand where his attacks come from and what to do with them. While the relationship with Tomás grows, the one he has with Aura is diluted, everything collapses and Isolda will have nothing left but to assume and take charge.



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