Muzhskoe slovo


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Date de sortie en streaming (France)

La date de sortie de Muzhskoe slovo n'as pas encore été annoncée. Nous vous tiendrons au courant de la date de sortie et des informations sur le streaming dès qu'elles seront disponibles.


After an accident, ten-year-old Ilya falls into a coma. His father Andrey is on duty at his son's bedside in the hospital, but the attending physician reports that the boy will have to be disconnected from the life support apparatus - this is the law. Andrey offers money, tries to convince the doctor that he needs to wait, but it's all to no avail. Then Andrey brings a gurney with Ilya connected to the machine into the first ward he comes across, barricades the door, and, threatening with a gun, takes the doctor and nurse hostage. Andrey gave his son a man's word that he would save him, and he would keep his word.


Drame, Mystère & Thriller, Crime & Thriller

Pays de production

