Sense and Sensibility


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This is the acclaimed 2008 BBC adaptation of the famous Jane Austen novel. While it originally aired as a 3-part miniseries, this home video release includes a single uninterrupted version of the entire film.



Doba zpracování

2h 54min

Země výroby

Spojené Království


Dominic Cooper
Charity Wakefield
Marianne Dashwood
Hattie Morahan
Elinor Dashwood
Janet McTeer
Mrs Dashwood
Lucy Boynton
Margaret Dashwood
David Morrissey
Colonel Brandon
Linda Bassett
Mrs Jennings
Mark Williams
Sir John Middleton
Claire Skinner
Fanny Dashwood
Rosanna Lavelle
Lady Middleton
Dan Stevens
Edward Ferrars
Mark Gatiss
John Dashwood
Caroline Hayes