Odna doma


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Neustále se snažíme přidat nové poskytovatele, ale nabídku na sledování titulu "Odna doma" online se nám bohužel najít nepodařilo. Vraťte se, prosím, brzy a zkontrolujte, zda se situace nezměnila..


Desperate to legally make the world a better place, a young unlucky engineer Artyom decided to rob several elite apartments with his invention. But in the very first of them, he meets a cunning girl Stefaniya, who demands to take her as an accomplice in order to buy a gift for her mother. They have only one New Year's Eve to pull off the case, and many unforeseen circumstances.


IMDB 4.5



Doba zpracování

1h 33min

Země výroby



Anario Mamedov


Maksim Bityukov
Evelina Bledans