Meeting with Pol Pot


Původní název: Rendez-vous avec Pol Pot

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Democratic Kampuchea (Cambodia) - 1978. Three French journalists are invited by the Khmer Rouge to conduct an exclusive interview of the regime's leader, Pol Pot. The country seems ideal. But behind the Potemkin village, the Khmer Rouge regime is declining and the war with Vietnam threatens to invade the country. The regime is looking for culprits, secretly carrying out a large scale genocide. Under the eyes of the journalists, the beautiful picture cracks, revealing the horror. Their journey progressively turns into a nightmare. Freely inspired by journalist Elizabeth Becker's account in When the war was over.


IMDB 5.0



Doba zpracování

1h 53min

Země výroby

Turecko, WEBAPP_COUNTRY_KH, Francie, Katar, Tchaj-wan // Taiwan


Rithy Panh


Irène Jacob
Lise Delbo
Grégoire Colin
Alain Cariou
Cyril Gueï
Paul Thomas
Bun-Hok Lim
Tithya Nouhem
Sok Sothun
Old man
Rithy Panh
Pol Pot (voice)