Maybe It's True What They Say About Us


Původní název: Quizás es cierto lo que dicen de nosotras

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Ximena, a successful psychiatrist, receives an unexpected visit from her elder daughter, Tamara, after a long time without seeing her. Her stay at a spiritual community has distanced and completely changed her. While Tamara takes refuge in her mother's home, an investigation is opened into the disappearance of Tamara's newborn son in strange circumstances within the sect to which she belongs. Both the law and Ximena will try to find out what has happened to the missing baby.


IMDB 7.5


Drama, Mystery & Thriller

Doba zpracování

1h 34min

Země výroby

Argentina, Chile, Japonsko


Camilo Becerra


Aline Küppenheim
Camila Roeschmann
Julia Lübbert