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Sledování titulu Heartlines: kde sledovat?

Aktuálně máte možnost sledovat "Heartlines" streaming u Plex zdarma.


Manny is a middle-aged ex-real estate mogul who resides in an affluent neighborhood in Long Island, New York. JP, in his early 30's, lives in Queens and works as a security guard at a high brow investment bank. Feeling internal loss and disconnected from the world around them, the lives of the two men converge due to a chain reaction of extraordinary circumstances and they slowly develop a kinship that parallels father and son. Helping one another reconcile the past, they work towards improving the present and avoid making the mistakes that could ultimately jeopardize the future.


IMDB 6.2



Doba zpracování

1h 40min

Země výroby

Spojené státy
