Cape Spin: An American Power Struggle


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si můžete zakoupit "Cape Spin: An American Power Struggle" u Apple TV ke stažení nebo si jej půjčit u Apple TV online.


Cape Spin! An American Power Struggle tells the surreal, fascinating, tragicomic story of the battle over America's most scandalous clean energy project. Cape Wind would be the U.S.'s first offshore windfarm...But strange alliances formed for and against: Kennedys, Kochs, and everyday folks do battle with the developer and green groups over the future of American power. With full access to both sides, a commitment to impartial storytelling and fueled by a satiric 'revolutionary' soundtrack, Cape Spin! is "a gripping and entertaining study of eco-capitalism and grassroots democracy".


IMDB 8.5



Doba zpracování

1h 30min

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Robbie Gemmel , John Kirby
