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Sledování titulu Bellavista: kde sledovat?

Aktuálně máte možnost sledovat "Bellavista" streaming u DocAlliance Films. Si můžete koupit "Bellavista" u DocAlliance Films ke stažení nebo si jej půjčit u DocAlliance Films online.


This portrait of a remarkable woman and her unusual environment seems to have a very profound effect on nearly everyone who sees it. The film further strengthens the reputation of veteran documentarian Schreiner, who's quietly and steadily established himself among Europe's most respected practitioners of non-fiction cinema. But the film is by no means an example of an ‘auteur’ imposing his individual vision upon the world. Instead it's a remarkable example of intense collaboration between artist and subject, one so close that such traditional distinctions and labels seem inappropriate.


IMDB 8.6


Dokumentární, Made in Europe

Doba zpracování

1h 57min

Země výroby



Peter Schreiner
