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The year is 2046 and the United Earth government has dissolved into the remnants of the U.E. and The Federation of Independent States. In order to counter the numerical superiority of the Federation and their allies the U.E. hires mercenary star ship crews to supplement their forces. This unit is code named Merc Force. MERCS follows the exploits of the most inept team of Mercenaries led by Primo Corvellie and Brice Creed who just happen to have lucked out and stolen the two most advanced star ships in the galaxy the Artemis and the Caladan. With their crew of con artists, burnouts, nut cases, screw ups, a princess, and even a beautiful alien entity powerful enough to crack a planet in half, they try to take over the galaxy one scam at a time. They may not be the heroes we need but they are the heroes we can afford. MERCS is like Hitch hiker's guide meets Star Trek, asks for directions, takes a wrong left turn at Fire Fly, gets kicked in the groin by Star Wars, driven to the hospital by Babylon 5, and then meets Doctor Who in the emergency room where it promptly skips out on the bill.


IMDB 8.4


Comédie, Science-Fiction



Pays de production

Etats Unis


Mike E. Pringle
Primo Corvelli
Gina Martino