Tri bogatyrya. Ni dnya bez podviga


Titre Original: Три богатыря. Ни дня без подвига

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The heroes will accomplish many feats: they will revive the unfortunate Koshchey, find the missing crown of the Prince, deal with the cruel khan - they can do everything. They can even cope with evil spirits. The horse Julius, the Serpent Gorynych and many others are always ready to come to the aid of the three heroes.


Animation, Pour enfants, Fantastique, Action & Aventure

Pays de production



Alexandra Shokha


Oleg Kulikovich
Алёша Попович
Valery Solovyev
Добрыня Никитич
Dmitriy Bykovskiy-Romashov
Илья Муромец
Sergei Makovetsky
Dimitri Vysotsky
Конь Юлий
Liya Medvedeva
Mariya Tsvetkova-Ovsyannikova
Anatoli Petrov
Антип / Тихон / Бекет
Yuliya Zorkina