Holiday Monday

Holiday Monday


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Two men are hired to protect a man who is fleeing a drug syndicate. The initial meeting turns into chaos and with a dead body, briefcase of stolen money and an assassin on their tail, Nick and Derek are going to have to do more than just protect - they are going to have to kill.


IMDB 3.0


Action & Aventure, Crime & Thriller


1h 35min

Pays de production



Nathan Shepka


Colin MacDougall
Nathan Shepka
Pauly McCluskey
Derek Gomez
Kayla Caldwell
Matt Symonds
Perry Costello
Bev Sweeney
Jemima Spence
Anna Flink
John Michael-Love
Carol Forsyth
Karen Caldwell
Graeme MacPherson
Saffron J Mullen
Jay Graham
Tom Murray