The Muckles - The Quest for a New Home

The Muckles - The Quest for a New Home


Titre Original: Die Mucklas ... und wie sie zu Pettersson und Findus kamen

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Once upon a time, the Mucklas could be found everywhere. But in an increasingly tidy world, the cheerful goblins have a hard time, since they love disorder more than anything. Soon the last tribe will have to leave their home. For generations, the little creatures have made themselves at home unnoticed in Hansson's old, chaotic grocer's store. In the wonderful mess, they find everything they need to live, tinker and make mischief. But Hansson's successor, Karl the exterminator, turns the paradise into a tiled and sterile nightmare. So Svunja, Tjorben and Smartö set off on a dangerous search for the promised land. The great adventure begins

Videos: Trailers, Teasers, Bandes-annonces

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IMDB 4.1


Animation, Action & Aventure, Pour enfants, Fantastique, Comédie


1h 20min

Pays de production



Ali Samadi Ahadi


Uwe Ochsenknecht
André Jung
Olaf Karlsson
Christine Urspruch
Marianne Sägebrecht
Stefan Kurt
Marco Lorenzini
Patrick Hastert
Anouk Wagener
Eduard-Stefan Constantin