Circle Unbroken: A Gullah Journey from Africa to America


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75% of all enslaved Africans coming to America came in through Beaufort and the sea islands of South Carolina. This beautiful and picturesque tourist destination, by its unique history is the epicenter of the Gullah culture and the foundation of African American history; the result of the mingling of West African slaves with the plantation culture awaiting them in America. The Gullah culture is most popularly portrayed in its language, food, art and storytelling, with the underlying message that the lessons of the past must never be forgotten. Circle Unbroken - A Gullah Journey from Africa to America portrays the story of these resilient people in music by The Gullah Kinfolk and narrative through the eyes of Anita Singleton-Prather - 'The First Lady of Gullah.'


Histoire, Musique & Comédie Musicale, Documentaire



Pays de production

Etats Unis


Clark Santee


Anita Singleton-Prather
Margaret Lavigne
Plantation Owner's Daughter