Saving Lincoln

Saving Lincoln


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The almost entirely true story of Abraham Lincoln and his self-appointed bodyguard, U.S. Marshal Ward Hill Lamon - a banjo-playing Southerner who foiled repeated attempts on the President's life, and kept him functioning during the darkest hours of the Civil War.


IMDB 5.5


Drame, Histoire


1h 41min

Pays de production

Etats Unis


Salvador Litvak


Tom Amandes
Abraham Lincoln
Lea Coco
Ward Hill Lamon
Penelope Ann Miller
Mary Todd Lincoln
Bruce Davison
William H. Seward
Creed Bratton
Senator Charles Sumner
Saidah Arrika Ekulona
Mrs. Elizabeth Keckly
Josh Stamberg
Salmon P. Chase
Robert Craighead
Edwin Stanton
Lew Temple
Montgomery Blair
Michael Maize
Billy Herndon
Steven Brand
Ned Baker
Adam Croasdell
Col. Elmer Ellsworth
Elijah Nelson
Willie Lincoln
Joshua Rush
Tad Lincoln
Joe Ochman
Judge David Davis
Matthew Del Negro
Nathaniel Rulough
Aaron Webster
David Dastmalchian
Major Eckert